If you want to know how to make a Fleshlight case for a sleeve, as you might be making a DIY vagina, repairing a cracked Fleshlight, or wanting to design something slightly more bespoke for a better fit, help is at hand with these 7 useful creations and household items.
To begin with, the following homemade and 3D printed Fleshlight case designs tackle both the challenges users faced with their original case and how they set about to improve it.
Some simple cylindrical holders are also included and should be able step in when your fleshlight case breaks, or you can just buy the sleeve and save money on paying for a case.
Fleshlight cases alone however are just $19.95 at Fleshlight, and are integral to the performance of the sleeve, as the magic occurs when sleeve and the case work in unison, to create a special bond.
They go hand and glove, so if you remove Fleshlight’s ability to release and tighten around your schlong using in some cases its manual suction settings, Fleshlights sturdy ergonomics and mesmerising orgasms go out the window.
So while a Lay Stax container might be an ok temporary substitute, it shouldn’t house a Fleshlight sleeve for the long haul.
And finally there are also some novel Fleshlight case modifications included.
How to Make a Fleshlight Case
Method 1 – Airlock Fitted 3D Fleshlight Case
Problem: too tight on withdrawal
Objective: to create a better Fleshlight airlock
As with most pocket pussy models there is the cap on top which affects the suction. When it’s screwed tight, it’s sublime going in, and on withdrawal, there’s very little room for the air to come back in so it’s tighter still and more delicious for most, but for some, the balance isn’t right.
An ingenious idea from one reddit user then sparked a collaboration with a designer there who came up with a Fleshlight case with a new airlock.
Designed to improve suction, an exhale valve from a dust mask has been fitted to the end cap of a fleshlight.
It’s a brilliant new design. You can follow the instructions and download the new Fleshlight airlock case 3D print document here and indulge.
You will need a 3D printer of course or you can go to Shapeways, where it will cost somewhat more than roughly $6 in plastic if you had your own, but it’s a fascinating field of exploration if just to create a one off bespoke fleshlight case.
If you’d like to print out this new suction case, you can use this code – XT5BDA – and you’ll receive 15% off your first purchase.
The exhale valve from a dust mask is used so that it sucks back at your member on the outstroke, while still allowing an easy instroke, creating a new fleshlight airlock. Outstanding.
Method 2 – Sturdy 3D Printed Fleshlight Case
Problem: sleeve rattled when cap is loosened + case felt light
Objective: improve bottom seal to stop rattling + make a thicker case

This second homemade 3D Fleshlight case was designed to improve the purchase on the bottom threads.
With it screwed tight it was fine but when loosened, it rattled too much, so this designer set about building a new case, and voila.
Here is the full design page – You can download the 3D printing documents further down the page there for free.

The matte black rim at the bottom in the original slightly taller and wider version above, is a rubber seal from an oil filter.
It can be 3D printed this way, with or without the rubber seal. Without includes a small brim on top of the thread to close the gap between cap and case.
The first two fleshlight case designs are highly innovative and resourceful, but if you just want to buy the sleeve or the case has simply broken, and you want to house it in something else without an end cap, here are a few more ideas from some everyday household items.
Method 3 – Lay’s Stax Can
Durable, a good circumference and ergonomically shaped, a Lay’s Stax container will need to be emptied and cleaned.
You can try use those green scouring cloths with a light bristle to pad it out.
If there are fins on the sleeve of your fleshlight, the Stax may support these, which will allow it the room it needs to expand and contract when you put your fella inside.
Method 4 – Camera Lens Case
As featured in Wired, you could of course build yourself a camera lens case which could double as your fleshlight case.
You can store your sleeve there full time and it shouldn’t draw any looks, plus you have a believable answer if anyone asks.
Detailed instructions can be found on their page.
By their own admission they messed up the measurement. Others could definitely do better.
You may need to line it with something as the outer layer looks porous.
Or, if you have any old camera lens cases tucked away, the old school ones could fit the sleeve well.
Method 5 – Poster tubes/Craft Can Boxes
Normally poster tubes are tall and slender but they do come short and wide, and some may accommodate your sleeve or onahole.
Craft Can Boxes are in fact probably better though as they have an aluminium shell so will stay in shape.
Method 6 – A Cylindrical Pencil Holder
A wooden pen pot should do. You could obviously take some tools to it and remove the other end and introduce a suction hole.
A discreet spot to store your fleshlight also.
Locating a 10 inch wooden pencil holder though may be a challenge, so you could always diversify and hollow out your own wooden chamber.
Method 7 – Metal Candle Holders
Have any arty crafty candle holders stuck away in the attic or any rarely used ones lying around?
Some are translucent which may compliment your sleeve.
Again these will be sturdy, easy to clean and your fleshlight will remain hidden.
Some designs are perforated which could provide for a perfect spot to allow the sleeve to dry, but being more translucent you might give the game away, so to be stored in an airy but private setting.
3 Additional Fleshlight case & sleeve modifications
Heads up, want to make your Fleshlight feel more like a real vagina?
1. More lifelike: checkout these 5 ways to improve your Fleshlights realism.
2. Larger volume: if it is becoming a little loud when the cap is loosened, to relieve some pressure, try wrapping the threads on the bottom with a few wraps of Teflon tape to reduce and eliminate any rattling.
3. Control tightening: by placing a soft silicone O-ring that is tough but not very elastic, in the groove near the front you can tighten up the entry – full description here.

Bottom line
Fleshlight cases are under twenty dollars at Fleshlight, so they shouldn’t break the bank but it’s understandable if you want to avoid the cost during frugal times, plus the sleeves are sometimes half the price of the complete item.
But the case is part of what makes the Fleshlight a fleshlight.
You are not “flying” they say, without it.
Well should you be looking to modify and improve your fleshlight case, there are a few ideas here for something to host your orifice – allowing it to contract and expand, while you ride a cushion sandwich without crushing the sleeve on yourself.
And for a sterner, non-rattily case or one with improved outstroke suction, you have 3D printing to thank and their creators.
For your Arch Nemesis:
The Fleshlight Case from Hell